In the Star Wars universe, money is never associated with power but rather a consolation prize for those who don't have power. Watto, a slaveholding junk dealer on Tatooine, is motivated by money but has no real influence. Same goes for Unkar Plutt of Jakku and his bizarre pricing points for portions. Han Solo is motivated by money if for the slightly more rational purpose of paying off debts and removing a bounty on his life. Jabba the Hutt's palace is no gangster's paradise but the best an avaricious slug can do while living in an Imperial world. Canto Bight brings money to the forefront of the Star Wars narrative if only to exemplify that those who militarily prop up wielders of power must enjoy their spoils in very private and secluded ways.
Precept 11: The practical Jedi's connection to money is purely practical and expressly unprofitable. A practical Jedi can be wealthy or thrifty as anyone can be wealthy or thrifty for a variety of reasons. A practical Jedi is sensible in one's savings but also generous in donations to worthy causes. The practical Jedi can easily be enriched if paid handsomely for a helpful or unique skill as the buyer sets the market. But a practical Jedi is not consumed by using money to make money. The practical Jedi earns a living from one's works and not from one's schemes.