My six year old boy just joined the Cub Scouts. He's pretty pumped to do something with his friends and with me -- the accidental den leader. Benefits are high, risks are low but logistics are somewhat daunting. I'll get there. And after so many years of primary dedication to work, it's great to have a measure of responsibility to my son.
On an unseasonably warm October Sunday afternoon, my son put on his way too big Cub Scout shirt with patches just sewn on by his grandmother a few hours before. He and I walked house to house, me hanging back with a clipboard and him walking up to ringing each and every doorbell. For every door that opened, he led with "Hello would you like to buy popcorn or coffee for the Cub Scouts. These are your options." Little dude made bank, over $200 generous dollars towards his den and pack.
I haven't felt this good in months.
On an unseasonably warm October Sunday afternoon, my son put on his way too big Cub Scout shirt with patches just sewn on by his grandmother a few hours before. He and I walked house to house, me hanging back with a clipboard and him walking up to ringing each and every doorbell. For every door that opened, he led with "Hello would you like to buy popcorn or coffee for the Cub Scouts. These are your options." Little dude made bank, over $200 generous dollars towards his den and pack.
I haven't felt this good in months.