Hurry now! We must work more quickly. Our candle burns ever more thinly. The invasion of Hoth. The airlift from D'Qar. It's not clear that we're going to make it, but we still must try.
Practicum 2: The practical Jedi holds the line. The practical Jedi is fastened to truth in a world turned turned sideways. The practical Jedi sees evil. Names evil. Obstructs evil. Be brave. Everything is becoming so literal now. You may not be ready for this but you have to be. Be brave.
Practicum 2: The practical Jedi holds the line. The practical Jedi is fastened to truth in a world turned turned sideways. The practical Jedi sees evil. Names evil. Obstructs evil. Be brave. Everything is becoming so literal now. You may not be ready for this but you have to be. Be brave.