the quote of the day
My son and I had a good day despite the Bears loss. We played, we ran around, we soaked in sunshine. Then toward sunset,as I packed him into the car to head home and get ready for the week, my son...
View Articleovert baby blah-g
My son and I started swim class tonight. 5th straight semester. Two years ago, dude couldn't do an arm circle to save his life, freaked out with any attempt at floating and took six weeks of coaching...
View Articlethe end of west lawn park?
In a West Lawn Park first, an entire calendar month went by without any published musings. No 80s music reviews, no sports rants, no deep thoughts, no Rose diatribes. The optimist can be assured that...
View Articlei like this song
Because it reminds me when I was in the sweet spot of being young enough to be in love without distraction and old enough to not be stupid about it. And I like that late 90s early 2000s dusty riff.
View Articlethe review is in
Interstellar was worth the price of admission. The science was sketchy at times -- the human race no longer has MRIs but we have the propulsion to transport human beings to Saturn in two years time....
View Articleoh i disagree
This is what you get for not blogging. Or "blah-gging" as my friend Rose would say.What's next? People votes Timmy the Tim Sexiest Ginger Alive?!!!!!
View Articletater tot values
You call me a Cafeteria Catholic? I dub thee Hypocritical, Self-serving Douchebags!For those of you not aware of the debate, Cafeteria Catholics are defined by the following:1. Faith not threatened...
View Articletear down the wall
I listen to The Wall pretty much every Wednesday night. It's my longest day at work. Eleven straight hours of patient care not counting possible hospital visits before and after. By the time I get...
View Articlethoughts as i complete medical documentation in front of pbs on a random...
Then and now. Trope or anecdote. Dead or alive.Shelby Foote -- you are one sexy bitch.
View Articlenothing's free
Third hand today via someone else's social media I learned that a former compatriot committed suicide. I guess this is a routine method to find out such things now. We were never close, but we had...
View Articlebetween the candle and the star
The gun debate ended with Sandy Hook. When 6 year old children were massacred in their school and our leaders did nothing, the gun debate ended. When 6 year old children were massacred in their...
View Articleinterview with the blah-ger
Like many of you, I'm intrigued by the Sean Penn interview of El Chapo. Given this man busted Chris Rock's balls for saying that Jude Law was in too many movies, I was surprised that Sean Penn would...
View ArticleThis I know
The Eagles eventually show up.The Dude abides.John Lewis is correct and you are incorrect.
View Articlei have terrible news
There's a 400 pound man in his basement (possibly in Wichita) committing cyberterrorism right now. West Lawn Park has obtained a possible profile of the suspect.If you have any information on this...
View Articleoctober's magical match-ups
The situation:My wife is an Indians fan. Though she deplores Chief Wahoo.Half my friends are Cubs fans. And I've matured enough not to "hate" the Cubs anymore.The plan:Verbal affirmation of the...
View Articlenew jersey
Me: Which player's jersey are you getting for your World Series jersey? I think La Stella best fits who you are as a person.My Cubs fan friend: None, I'm happy with what I have, but if I had to...
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